Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pastor John's Corner- September 2009

Pastor John’s Corner

God has continued to be generous and gracious to us. What looked to be a start of a potentially disastrous growing season has seemed to turn out well after all. I have to admit that I was beginning to be concerned --- and as I think about that, I am the first to say that I was forgetting to just let God handle the things that God handles. Like so many people do, I wasted time being concerned about things totally out my control when God had the situation under control the whole time.

A new church Christian Education year has begun and it is time for Confirmation to begin, choir practice to begin, the Youth Group to re-form, and Sunday school classes to rotate. Add to that another Bible study and this all adds up to the beginning of another busy nine or so months. As you can see, these are all opportunities for you to serve God and your church. I can assure you there are any numbers of ways that the church can use help. I thank the many of you who continue to serve as liturgist and occasionally give the Children’s moment. However, I also know that there are always others that could be helping with this duty. Please consider signing that little sheet of paper that comes around.

It is, of course, also time for our youth to be going back to school, whether it is grade school, high school, or college. I think that if there is anything I would like to have you consider, it is that education, whether Christian education or formal education, really should be a family affair. Helping kids with homework, listening to their needs and their concerns about what goes on in their life is the surest way to keep up on your child’s social development. As your children make it through each day of school, just remember this; your smile and or hug in the morning --- may be the most reassuring part of their entire day. Don’t miss an opportunity to show your kids how much you love them.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor John

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