Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pastor John's Corner for April

Pastor John’s Corner

At long last spring has arrived. I don’t know why this winter has seemed so very long since after-all we didn’t actually start getting any really bad weather until after Christmas. But I’m glad to see the flowers blooming and see the gold finches turning back to their summer yellow.
Spring always brings with it the Easter season. This year we will celebrate Palm Sunday on the 5th of April and then Easter on the 12th of Easter. As usual we will have our Easter Cantata at St. Lucas at 7:00 a.m. This will be a parish event and I hope all of you will attend if you are in town. This year’s Cantata will be “Lord of Glory.”
We have had such a wonderful attendance at our spring book discussion of The Shack. I thank Julie Wallis for taking this task on. She has done a marvelous job of getting us through the book and leading us in discussion. For me though, it didn’t matter if you loved or hated the book. The fact that we had 25 people attend regularly and share their comments was a beautiful thing. I plan to look at other things that we might do together to generate covenantal discussion.
With the Easter season and each new flower we see blooming in the yards and in the fields we are once again reminded of the glory of the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Just as the flowers that die off in the fall and go dormant only to rise again in the warmth of spring full of beauty, so did our Savior lie dormant in his grave for three days. But --- come the third day, a miracle of beauty did occur. Christ arose from that cold dark grave and exclaimed that no longer can death be the victor. Through Christ, our salvation had been secured.
I hope all of you will continue to make our worship services a priority in your life. I also want to wish our farmers a good and safe planting season.
God’s speed,
Pastor John