Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pastor's Corner, May 2009

I love the Easter Season. It is a season of refreshment; refreshment of the earth, refreshment of all the flowers and trees, and refreshment of our faith as we once again celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I love the dedication of our choir members as they work hard to put together a program worthy of presentation as praise to God. I also love the fact that we have well attended worship services during Easter and I thank you for making our services a success. The sound of so many voices lifting up praise and prayers to God is the true sound of love. I love the fact that families use this season get together and share meals together and worship together. Yes, indeed, Easter is a joyous season.

One the other side of the coin though, for me personally the downside is that I know that our pews are going to be emptier for a little while. The planting season has begun and our farmers and their family members will be busy getting the corn planted and then the wheat harvested. However, when I do occasionally frump about the lack of attendance on a given Sunday, I remind myself that it is the hard work and efforts of people right here in these two congregations that contributes to feeding the world. In my book, that is exactly the work God would have you do. So, I pray for a safe planting season and a bountiful harvest.

I want to appeal to the youth of our congregations once again. We need your support to keep the youth group going. Our leaders have worked very hard to bring you a well rounded program. If there are things you would like this group to become involved in and would then support, come on out and get involved.

God’s speed,
Pastor John

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