Friday, February 26, 2010

Newsletter for March

Pastor John’s Corner

On Ash Wednesday, we met as a parish to celebrate the beginning of the Lenten season. The confirmands worked very hard to put together their service and I thought they did an excellent job of presenting the service for us. They deserve our congratulation for a job well done.

At that service one of our confirmands gave us a brief history of why we put ashes on our forehead, why we celebrate Lent and Ash Wednesday. Her research was a good and well presented series of facts. However, I hope that all of you will take time during these next few weeks to step beyond the facts of why we celebrate Lent. Lent really is a period of solemn prayer and reflection on the current state of our personal relationship with God. Many people will “give up something” as an act of contrition during this period. The something that we give up is supposed to represent a sacrifice on our part in recognition of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Therefore if your sacrifice is indeed a trivial thing, then you trivialize the sacrifice that Christ made. In other words, giving up chocolate hardly equates to Christ giving up his life.

I heard of a church sign the other day that said “Now Open Christmas through Easter!” I thought that was a pretty neat sign because it hits home to many church goers. Our attendance at the two churches says fairly consistent and we can do so very much better. For those of you who come every Sunday, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. But --- it is up to you to make those calls to relatives and friends who miss frequently and invite them to join us again. We would love to have them worship with us again.
Pastor John

Monday, February 15, 2010

Pastor John's Corner February 2010

Pastor John’s Corner
I hope by now, you have taken the chance to lift your spirits and take a whole new look at the year 2010. We have been concentrating on just that for the past five Sundays. If our two congregational meetings are an example, I’d say we have made a great beginning.
Congratulations to our newly elected council members and continued good luck to the returning members. You all have a lot of work ahead of you for the coming year. But as I said in my letter to the members of the St. Lucas, when we all work together to accomplish what we feel to be the work of God, we will continue to be successful.
On February 17th, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday with our annual confirmand-designed and run Combined Parish service. As is traditional, we will have communion and the imposition of ashes as part of the service. The service will be held at 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s. I hope you will come and celebrate the beginning of the Lenten season. Lent is a period of prayer and reflection for the faithful. We use the six weeks to reflect on our relationship with God and with our fellowman, and make improvements where needed. As part of our Lenten program this year, our Bible Study/Book Discussion for Lent will be called Fearless, based upon the Max Lucado book by the same name. Julie Wallis and I will be offering this Bible Study together. I hope you will take the opportunity to come and talk about how we can use the power of the Holy Spirit to get past those things that worry us and take our mind off of the blessings that God has given us.
Pastor John