Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pastor John's Corner December 2009

Pastor John’s Corner

We declare this to be a season of hope, joy, and love as we merge into the Advent and Christmas season. And why shouldn’t we. This is the month we celebrate the birth of God’s Son. Angels announced his arrival. Wise men came from distant lands to see him. The very celestial sky was lit up by his star for all the world to see.

The night was still, cold and crisp --- when suddenly the sound of a newly born baby rang out from a stable in a little town called Bethlehem, in Judea. That awesome cry of an infant’s first breath of earthly air announced the arrival of God as he would walk on this planet in human form for 33 years. This baby would grow to experience the same feelings and emotions and joys and sorrows and pain and death that we humans do.

For the skeptic or agnostics among us who may say “Even it it’s true, --- so what?” I would say this; I find this story to be awesome; because you see, God created us to experience all of those emotions, and He created the emotions too; but --- God couldn’t know the true impact they have on us because he had not experienced them from our level. But – God cared enough about us, and He loved us enough to come to earth and experience everything we experience from our level. And, for me, knowing that God cares enough about me to want to know why I feel and act the way I do, fills me with hope and joy and a sense of pure love.

As you experience your Christmas season, by all means, please continue to support our local Lord’s Pantry through our Blessings Jar. Take note of and support the First Presbyterian Church 2009-10 Winter Clothing and Blanket Collection. Support the Veterans of the Cross offering and drop a little in the Salvation Army bucket each time you pass one. Have a Holy Spirit filled Christmas.

I wish you Christmas peace,

Pastor John